Monday 25 March 2024

Toward springtime: an improvised lyrical dance

I called February a “slow burn.” In March we lit the wood stove at our holiday cabin and watched both the fast burn and the slow burn.

I realized that when I was listing activities for last month that I smooshed February and March together, then decided to separate the entries later. I don’t feel like fixing my chronology, so here is everything that we did in the last weeks that wasn’t listed under February. In case you hadn’t already heard, neither the internet, nor human memory, perception or narrative consists of objective truth. So don’t look for that on my blog either.

  • The cat guests moved on and I cleaned furiously and gleefully for most of a day. I have never lived with animals before and I’m not keen to do so again, at least not in this house. The cats were cute and one was friendly.  They also made our small, somewhat shabby and cluttered space feel even smaller, more shabby and more cluttered.  It wasn’t exactly the direction I want to go in.
  • Ukrainian dance festival: 3 dances performed, one silver medal (AJ) and two gold medals (me and Dani). The judge this time marked quite strictly. Dani’s group was missing three dancers out of seven but did extremely well anyway. My adult group* was on point and we were told that we looked “pre-professional.”  You bet all us ladies had an extra spring in our step after hearing that. AJ was not happy about her silver. Even though several groups received silver she saw that as a loss. It’s part of the experience though and she has worked through it. After all, if everyone gets a gold medal all the time regardless it doesn’t mean a lot. Her group of energetic girls will be hungry for gold next festival.
  • After all that dancing I got to relax in a salon chair for a hair appointment. 
  • The weekend after festival, Mr Turtle and I dropped the kids off with their grandparents and drove west toward the Rockies. Our destination was a tiny log cabin nestled on a mountain, wreathed with mist and surrounded by tall pines and snowbanks. It was lovely, and we will savour the glow for a while. 
* My adult dance group ranges in age from late 30s to mid 50s, with the majority of us in our 40s. Everyone has significant previous dance experience.

Cabin art:

The view from our cabin window - my interpretation

  • Being in the mountains always gives me different thoughts.  Although there is change there like everywhere else, it feels more eternal than being in a people-made space. I may put together a woodsy-blog later.

Found quote and art inspired by the Christmas lights on the cabin.
This is something like my 5th attempt at drawing lights. 

  • We returned to spring break and I can’t wait to spend a solid two or three days getting caught up on laundry and housework. Hahahaha. But actually, yes. It’s quite lovely to not feel rushed.
  • AJ’s Nana gave her a sewing machine and spent some serious time showing her how to use it during their sleepover. AJ is now creating some simple projects independently. She is also expressing some more interesting in learning crochet.
  • Current crochet projects: a little green dragon for AJ’s best friend.  And the poncho for AJ that I’ve been working away at for a while.
Plans for the rest of spring break, other than cleaning: a work in progress! How delightful to know we can just make it up!

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